Thursday, 7 May 2015

Art Paintings - 6 Tips to Painting Abstract Art Paintings

The beauty of abstract art is that it remains free within its genre. I believe there is no right or wrong way to make an abstract art painting. The values of form, line, contrast, colour, position and tone are fundamental. However it is vital that the artist feels free to experiment and explore with paint. If you approach this style of painting with the following tips, you are on your way to producing an abstract art painting which you will enjoy making as much as you enjoy its value.

As a contemporary artist, I choose to make my art with complete freedom and I can share this with you. My work is encouraged to emerge and unfold, rather than being part of a preconceived notion. I adhere to the principles of form, line, contrast, colour, position and tone. However, often the best of my work is discovered through exploration and by accident or chance. I need to be open to all possibilities and prepared to experiment in order to create successful abstract art paintings. To me, this is the secret of painting abstract art and I explain this in the following 6 tips.

Art Paintings - 6 Tips to Painting Abstract Art Paintings
Art Paintings - 6 Tips to Painting Abstract Art Paintings

6 Tips to Painting Abstract Art Paintings

Art Paintings Tip #1

Be free.
Set aside all daily duties and routine actions and thoughts. The dishes can be done later and in fact much faster once you have expressed yourself - you will be surprised. Make sure there are plenty of drop cloths on the floor in order to create as freely as possible. It is vital to have complete freedom to express yourself without being limited by making a mess. Wear some old clothes and remember what it felt like as a child to have fun making abstract art paintings at kindergarten.

Art Paintings Tip #2

Centre yourself.
Free yourself from thoughts of bills, household chores, work and family responsibilities. There is plenty of time to worry about these things later. Sit for several minutes and contemplate what gives you joy, pains you at the moment, or the uppermost feeling in your self. Get ready to express this. Choose some music which lifts your spirit and supports you painting an abstract painting with wild abandon.

Art Paintings Tip #3

Do not expect anything from the art.
Let go of all expectations. This is the hardest of all. All our lives we want to paint a good apple or draw a perfect orange. Forget it and forget that grade 5 teacher that told you- you couldn't draw. Just enjoy the moment and see what comes. Don't be concerned by the pristine white canvas. If you feel the need to cover that white as fast as possible, in order to get that fear out of the way, then go for it. You could start your abstract art painting by applying any single colour to the canvas to cover it completely. Then start choosing colours just for fun or go with your gut feeling.

Art Paintings Tip #4

Put more paint on your brush or use your hands!
Don't worry about making a mess getting paint on your face, on the floor, or on clothes. Don't worry about making a mistake, I believe there are no mistakes in art, only discoveries and challenges to be solved. You do not have to let the first layer of paint dry before you apply more. Wet on wet is a great way to make a fabulous abstract art painting. Use whatever tools are available to make your marks, maybe there is an old toothbrush lying around the house, try it out. Try wiping back into the freshly applied paint. Don't be scared of the medium. Let go and enjoy. Paint with wild abandon and see what happens. Do not hold back.

Art Paintings - 6 Tips to Painting Abstract Art Paintings
Art Paintings - 6 Tips to Painting Abstract Art Paintings

Art Paintings Tip #5

Stop! and stand right back.
What do you see? Look beyond the marks and the things you are not happy with. Really look at it, for quite a while. Walk away, have a cup of tea and come back later and look at it. What do you suddenly see? For this is what abstract art painting is all about.

Art Paintings Tip #6

Recognize what you have painted.
Take the time to recognize what you have painted. Do you see shapes that could be drawn out more? Do you see colours and marks that work really well against one another? Ask your friends and family which parts of your abstract art painting they like. Take your time to see what you have painted, it becomes clearer over time.

Congratulations! You have just started an abstract art painting. You may well have completed one. This is the next secret... It takes time to know the difference.


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  4. This is incredible,so informative, this is helpful for beginnerrs and me too.I would recommend you to go check out various events of art in Dubai and also, visit art galleries there. Try recognizing some of these Modern Art Painting techniques; useful to turn your meek art oeuvres into masterpieces.
